The Hills (Rychan)
Scotland as The Hills
Region: The Hills
Kingdom: Clannish
Rulers: Multiple
Wealth: Moderate
Population: 1.3 million
Language: High Daereni, Daereni (Common)
Religion: True Gods
Demonym: Hillfolk
Primary Revenue: Whiskey, Wool (raw and woven into cloth), Amber, Stone, Precious gems, Silver, Fur
Cultural Niche: Savage
Weakness: Competing Clans, isolation, ignorance of the world
Fortification: Several
Specialization: {$armyspecialization}
Knights: {$knights}
Soldiers: {$soldiers}


The Hills — named for the hilly to mountainous terrain in which they live. The Social structure revolves around Clans, both Major and minor. Major clans have strongholds that burrow into the mountain in their terrain with the lesser/commoners working and living in the valleys surrounding the chosen mountain(s). The more powerful the Clan, the larger the Stronghold in the larger Mountain. Their strongholds were partially built into their largest hill/mountain on their lands, taking advantage of the natural caves already in the mountains. Lesser clans would live in or on smaller hills and those who were the commoners of the clan live in longhouses and/or thatched cottages in the valleys about their Clan's stronghold.

The climate tends to run cold, with feet of snow in the Winters which last a good half of the year. The other half of the year, however, sees temperate to warm weather with moderate rainfall. It's the type of weather that promotes the growing of agriculture and the feeding of their animals.

Clan Lordship is passed on by blood, but there is always the incentive for more. The bigger Hall/lands one has, the more power they have. The more goods they have, the more power they have. The Hillsfolk can be rather proud and greedy and truces between clans are often very fragile. Skirmishes and battles are not unknown among Clans and times of true peace rarely last more than a decade.

Defeated Clans are often either absorbed by the conquering clan or banished to find other lands. Either they conquer a lesser Clan and try to work their way up the ladder once again, begin at the very bottom, or live happily within the absorbing clan.

Each clan has a totem such as an animal or a tree that is individual to that clan.
Clan Blackstone: Wolf
Other Clan totems include Stag, Elk, Bear, Falcon, Tree, Juniper, Horse, Mountain Lion, Sheep/Ram, etc.

Clothing styles: Tunics and trews for men, dresses and shifts for women. Metal and gemstone ornaments for the wealthier, mostly wool, leather, and fur in the winter, linen and leather in the summer…silk if wealthy and have traded. Armor consists of hard leather, thick hide, and metal-lined pieces. Helms represent clan totems/symbols.

General skills could be: Riding, smithing, spinning, weaving, knitting, appraisal, masonry, hunting, tracking, survival, melee, tactics, diplomacy (depending on the Clan)

Appearance: The people from the Hills are taller and broader than most with pale skin that tans easily in the sun. Hair of all colors are worn long by both the men and women and the length and upkeep of one's hair is often considered a mark of beauty. A rugged people, they are ably adapted to their rough terrain. Family and Clan are of the utmost importance and they do not tend to be very accepting or open to others. Due to their lack of exposure, they tend to hold extreme prejudices due to being uneducated about the world. When they speak, their Daereni is accented by a thick brogue.

Until recently, the only Hillfolk seen outside of Rychan are those who have been disgraced or exiled.

Men's Council: Hillfolk are, as is most of the world, a Patriarchal Society. The Eldest male is the head of the household, no matter what their age. Elderly/infirm eldest males are still consulted and treated with the utmost respect, but if they are found mentally deficient or too infirm to make such decisions, they may delegate another to act in their stead, which often needs to be the next eldest Male. Married men are expected to procreate and sons are definitely preferable to daughters. Male responsibility is to see to the safety of their Family and Clan, and they are expected to go to battle if the need arises. They see to the fortification and maintenance of the keep as well as the heavy-lifting jobs of mining, smithing, shepherding, farming, and security. It is not unknown for men to do some quasi-domesticated jobs such as spinning and weaving.

Women's Council: While the men outwardly run the society, the women have their own council and hierarchy among them. Often, in a clan, the eldest woman, the Matriarch, is sought out for advice and assistance and she is often the one to be brought in to adjudicate if there are any issues among the women. Wives are valued for their ability to run the household and for their skills in the more domesticated arts of knitting, cooking, cleaning, sewing, and child-bearing. They are the major caretakers of the young and infirm.

Education: Children are quickly taught their place, depending on gender. Not soon after they learn to walk, children are taught and trained in skills appropriate to their place in society. Children of the commoners of the Clan are taught trades beginning at around six years old and are often apprenticed by the age of 9 or 10. Boys are expected to learn battle skills as they are then expected, once they reach maturity, to participate in any skirmishes or battles. Women may be taught to defend themselves with knives, staves, or other household implements but are not permitted in battle. Books are rare and limited to the wealthier Clan Keeps. Reading and Writing, if it is to be taught, is taught by whomever is the strongest at the skill, whether it be woman or a member of the clergy. Most written-word documents are Clan histories Most written-word documents are Clan histories or Religious works. Both men and women can learn to read and write, but it is at the discretion and needs of the Clan. It is not a requirement unless the child is to enter the Clergy. The ability to figure sums is often used by those who make or sell goods and is taught as needed.

Currency: Trade and bartering is the major source of currency. Wealth is measured by power and how much one has to trade/barter with. Rare items and rare skills are often in demand, such as gemstones and jewelers. Any items from outside Rychan are considered precious and very valuable.



The History of the Hills is old and quite complicated, especially since each Clan has their own version. The one thing that they all agree on is that the first Clan had 5 Sons. Each of the sons had distinct strengths and each wanted to be in charge once their father had passed away. There was a great deal of fighting for many years, which tore the family apart. Finally, their mother, a wise and generous woman suggested that each of the sons set out to become leaders of their own Clan. So, each of the five sons took their family and followers to other parts of the Hills to do just that, with the eldest remaining to take over their father's Clan.

The fighting, however, did not necessarily stop as each brother insisted that they were the strongest, the richest, and the most deserving. Even as their sons and their son's sons broke off to found more Clans, the fighting continued. It is why there is a constant power-struggle; each descendant feels that they are the best one to hold power.

Depending on which Clan tells the story, they, of course, are descended from the most powerful brother.


Resources: Whiskey, Wool (raw and woven into cloth), Amber, Stone, Precious gems, Silver, Fur




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